In this round of Serie A, Roma beat Verona 3-1 away, Zaniolo and Shalawi scored, and 18-year-old Volpato also contributed a pass and a shot.

In the 57th minute of the game, Volpato came on to replace the injured Zaniolo. At the last moment, Volpato In the 88th minute, Matic broke into the left side of the penalty area and made a pass from the bottom. Volpato shot into the lower right corner of the penalty area, helping Roma to overtake 2-1.fodboldstøvler tilbude tidligere

In the 92nd minute, Volpato made a direct pass, and Shalawi picked the goalkeeper and shot into the empty goal from a small angle, 3-1. Volpato, who contributed 1 goal and 1 assist, became the hero of Roma’s victory in this game. After the game, Mourinho also walked into the stadium and embraced the outstanding Volpato.billiga fotbollsskor

Volpato is an Australian player, but has been selected for the Italian U20 national team. It is worth mentioning that in the game against Verona last season, Volpato scored his first goal in Rome, and this time he contributed 1 goal and 1 assist.

So far this season, he has played 3 times, made 1 start, scored 1 goal and assisted 1 time in 126 minutes.